Monday, June 17, 2024

Pubblicato 3:11 AM Di con 0 commento


Chittorgarh Fort is one of the largest forts in India and holds immense historical significance. Located in the city of Chittorgarh in Rajasthan, it stands as a testament to the valor, chivalry, and sacrifice of Rajput warriors.


  • Foundation: The fort is believed to have been founded by Maurya rulers in the 7th century AD. It later became the capital of Mewar under the Rajputs.
  • Rajput Rule: Chittorgarh was ruled by various Rajput clans, notably the Guhilots (Sisodia dynasty), who considered it their primary seat of power.
  • Sieges and Battles: The fort faced numerous sieges over its history, notably by Alauddin Khilji in 1303 and Bahadur Shah of Gujarat in 1535. These sieges are famous for the Jauhar (self-immolation by women to avoid capture) committed by Rajput women and children to protect their honor.
  • Later History: The fort continued to be a symbol of Rajput resistance against Mughal expansion and other invaders until it eventually came under the control of the Mughals and later the British


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